A high protein, high energy mixed feed suitable for a range of horses.
– Equine Pro® Developer is specifically formulated for all your breeding stock, providing a seamless transition into weaning ,allowing you to successfully manage rapidly growing youngsters.
– Made from a selection of steam rolled grains and legumes, oilseeds, pelleted protein meals, vitamins and minerals (including organic minerals), blended with molasses and oil, presenting the horse with a highly palatable feed.
– Equine Pro® Developer is suited for feeding to a range of horses - Broodmares during pregnancy and lactation, Weanlings and Yearlings in preparation for sale, rapidly growing horses, including recovery and weight gain and during early stages of their racing career.
– Steam Rolled Lupins & Maize. Whole FD Sunflower Seeds. Limestone (fine), MHA Methonine, EquinePro® Breeder PMX Pellet, Salt, Canola Oil & Agriliq Agrimol.
– Introduce EquinePro® Developer into the diet slowly over 7 to 14 days.
– Feed by weight, not volume.
– Ensure your horse has access to clean, fresh water at all times.
– Feed in conjunction with a minimum of 1% of the horse’s bodyweight as roughage.
– EquinePro® Developer can be fed in conjunction with other grains, but the addition of other vitamins and minerals is NOT recommended, unless under veterinary or nutritional advice.
– Feed in two or more equal sized feeds, spaced evenly through the day.