
Equine Pro - Pvm Concentrate - 20kg

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A concentrated mix of protein, vitamins and minerals for a range of horses.

Equine Pro® Protein Vitamin Mineral(PVM) Concentrate is a highly palatable blend of protein meals and omega fatty acids combined with a high quality amino acid, mineral,
trace mineral (including organic minerals) and vitamin balancer pellet to support skeletal and muscular growth and development of breeding and performance horses.

Essential amino acids such as lysine, methionine and threonine are critical nutrients and if lacking in the diet, growth and development to foals may be slowed, milk quality and production of lactating mares decreased and athletic performance adversely affected.

Under circumstances of ample pasture availability, “Complete” feeds may fail to provide adequate levels of protein as well as minerals and vitamins when limited. Further more, foals that are “behind” or conversely fast growing may have higher nutrient requirements than the average growing foal on the property.

Steam Rolled Lupins. Whole F D Sunflower Seeds. Limestone (fine), M H A Methonine, Lysine, Equine Pro® Breeder PMX Pellet, Salt, Canola Oil & Agriliq Agrimol.