Blood Builder for Horses
Hemabuild is a vitamin B and trace mineral supplement for stressed horses or horses in heavy training.
Hemabuild is a concentrated blend of organic iron, copper, and B vitamins.
Hemabuild can be useful as a pick-me-up for a sick or injured horse as well as persuading a picky eater to finish its feed.
Why use Hemabuild?
Formulated for use in horses facing the rigours of travel, heavy training, or competition
Assist in the production of red blood cells, maintaining normal blood profiles
For coat darkening in show and sales preparation horses
To assist with and improve appetite
When to use Hemabuild
Horses under stress of travel, work, or competition
Recovery from illness and/or injury
Darkening coat colour in show and sales preparation horses¥
Improving appetite
¥Not recommended for palomino or buckskin horses as may cause smutting of coat colour.
Building Better Blood for Performance
Travel, stress, illness, and high performance can all lead to suppressed red blood cell production and poor blood profiles, which can potentially limit performance.
Blood support supplements can be added to a horse’s ration to encourage optimal performance in all disciplines and can assist in faster recovery after intense or stressful events.
Blood support supplements should contain all the nutrients required for building a strong blood profile. Trace minerals should be in organic form, which leads to greater bioavailability and also includes B vitamins.